commit resources

美 [kəˈmɪt ˈriːsɔːrsɪz]英 [kəˈmɪt rɪˈsɔːsɪz]
  • 调拨资源
commit resourcescommit resources
  1. The money has created a lot of momentum to commit resources .


  2. Analysts said few countries are in a position to commit resources as China is doing .


  3. It allows you to update resources in your local workbench and commit resources from the local workbench to a repository .


  4. I will commit the resources of my administration to hunt you down .


  5. Japanese and South Korean TV manufacturers would also like to see Hollywood commit more resources to 3D .


  6. But it will only create more trouble if we 're not willing to appoint the people and commit the resources needed to make the changes work .


  7. NASA 's partners do not appear ready to commit the resources that would be needed to fill the gap should the US pull out .


  8. Second , we will increase our commitment to fragile and conflict-affected states , which will require us to be bolder , take more risks , and commit more resources .


  9. If you use CMT and access to two-phase commit capable resources ( like JMS and most databases ) in a single CMT , WebSphere Application Server will take care of the dirty work .


  10. Those foreign groups crushed by the financial crisis and rescued by their governments , including RBS , Citi and BofA , are not expected to commit significant resources to expand their China business any time soon .


  11. Brand owners chafe at having to commit vast resources to policing online platforms . Platforms protest that filtering every transaction and trying to determine what is counterfeit across all industry sectors is mission impossible .


  12. Rolls Royce must commit its entire resources to the project .


  13. Figure out a way to test the waters before you commit all of your resources .


  14. Failed to commit changes to quorum resources .
